Tuesday 11 August 2009

Trereife Food & Craft Fair

Some pictures I took while I was at Trereife food and craft fair..

and a pretty little crochet doily I bought at 'Goodwill Bunting' stall. They had lots of lovely vintage tablecloths that were really cheap! but had marks and stains on so I didn't buy them, though now I'm absolutely kicking myself and wish I had! Don't you hate when that happens..


  1. Wow~ Where the Fair was held looks amazing! LOVE the tag on the Doily, that is too funny.
    I know what you mean about passing up something then later realizing you should have bought it....I've returned to MANY Flea Markets(hours after leaving)because I realized I couldn't live without something I'd seen there :)

  2. wow, that location looks beautiful


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